Member Since: 08 Nov 2012
Location: Kent
Posts: 331
Instrument cluster intermittent fault? |
For the last couple of years (literally) i have had an intermittent fault. It was once a month, now getting more regular intervals and worse symptoms. Any help appreciated.
Originally it was:
Various dash lights, HDC fault, suspension lowered, special programs off, etc
Always cleared on ignition cycle.
Sometimes the speedo would flicker back to zero and the temp gauge would go high while this was going on. Also could hear engine fan kick in when temp gauge read high..
Progressed last year to one episode of No Start of engine, E in gear symbol.
Cleared after 5 minutes of ignition on/off and not a lot else.
2 weeks ago, while driving i got Hazard Lights on, Door locks cycling, E in gear, Engine temperature max and red light, pulled over and speedo stuck at 20 mph, plus suspension lowered, various warnings on dash as before.
I have a faultmate MSV2 and all i get is bus error messages on all the ECU's.
Reading the forum, i believe the hazards and door locks is a sign of Instrument Cluster problems?
So far i have:
Replaced brake switch
Checked brake bulbs
Checked modules behind battery, bone dry and no corrosion
Battery is new and good
Alternator charges well
Removed Instrument cluster and checked rear connection
Banged on dash when failing, no change.
Spoke to clusterrepairsuk and they can test it, but being so intermittent (still only once a week if that) not sure if they will see the fault on their rig?
Any other ideas before i send the cluster off / purchase another ? New Engine - Fitted with body on...
Developer of the FBH Smart Control Module - Keyfob 3rd button control + USB Diagnostics + remote status LED + priming + battery protection + water temp control setpoint (or fixed run time)
Group Buy: www.disco3.co.uk/forum/post1405044.html#1405044
Downloads: www.dropbox.com/sh/swqlepn6jdb7g5l/AAD5avF_KIexlhlQf4--kysZa?dl=0
FBH not Starting?: www.disco3.co.uk/forum/fixed-webasto-fbh-105563.html
E: d3discostick@gmail.com
14th Jan 2018 2:42 pm |
Member Since: 23 Dec 2013
Location: under the car
Posts: 404
have you checked the integrated transfer case module?
I had and I still have the same problems. As you did I checked almost every suspicious piece. Then I looked closely again at the transfer case module. It showed some very light sign of corrosion. Once cleaned my "E" failure started disappearing when taking the key out.
The "F" and the X-mas tree lights are still coming on regularly. For multiple reason my assumption is instrument cluster because I am getting the most frequent display message
lost communication with ride level module
lost communication with parking brake module
Any help will be appreciated. Achim
own garage certified LR tech
Disco 2 TD5 MY 2001 - gone but still driven by another owner
Defender 110 TD5 driving me bananas with all faults
Disco 3 TDV 6 HSE MY 2005 gone @280.000 km
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14th Jan 2018 4:47 pm |
Member Since: 22 Feb 2014
Location: Scunthorpe
Posts: 584
Hazards and door locks are quite typical of the transfer box Ecu wiring. For the 10 mins it takes to check it all out I would think it’s a very worth while exercise given what you’ve said.
Pete. IID, webasto software and workshop facility's available.
17th Jan 2018 6:36 pm |
Member Since: 08 Nov 2012
Location: Kent
Posts: 331
So an update on this:
I have since purchased a used instrument cluster and swapped it successfully.
Its a bit of a fiddle with a faultmate. See my other post on why.
If you have a IID tool, you can do the swap easily, providing the used cluster has lower mileage than yours!
With the MSV-2 i had to swap a chip over for the mileage to be correct. Not a big job but you need to be handy soldering small components.
Now its a waiting game to see if the fault has been eliminated... So far so good.
James New Engine - Fitted with body on...
Developer of the FBH Smart Control Module - Keyfob 3rd button control + USB Diagnostics + remote status LED + priming + battery protection + water temp control setpoint (or fixed run time)
Group Buy: www.disco3.co.uk/forum/post1405044.html#1405044
Downloads: www.dropbox.com/sh/swqlepn6jdb7g5l/AAD5avF_KIexlhlQf4--kysZa?dl=0
FBH not Starting?: www.disco3.co.uk/forum/fixed-webasto-fbh-105563.html
E: d3discostick@gmail.com
10th Feb 2018 3:10 pm |
Member Since: 06 May 2017
Location: Southeast
Posts: 72
I've got a problem similar to yours. (All started when I hit a huge pot hole)
On a few occasions now. Have been driving along and the clocks all go to zero and the info screen goes blank.
5 mins later they all start twitching and eventually it all comes back to life. Very unnerving to say the least.
Was going to check the plugs at the rear of the battery, as you did, but the other day I was sitting in the car, engine was running and the clocks all working. I gave the top of the dash a wallop and the Clocks all died.
So I'm thinking this is where the fault lies now.
Hopefully some time this week. I'm going to remove the clocks and spray some contact cleaner in the plug and hope this cures it. If not will probably be looking at a new cluster, as you did.
23rd Apr 2018 6:40 pm |
Member Since: 04 Dec 2011
Location: Buskeud
Posts: 681
Im far from an expert on this, but I see you guys mentioning that the cluster just drops out, goes dark and suddenly it all comes back to life.. this sounds to me like a cracked soldering joint. it might be in the connector on the cluster that is soldered to the pcb or it might be that the wiring to the cluser is a tad short and pulled the pins and widen them a bit so intermittent contact.
There might be Green crusties too as some have mentioned on the transfer case ecu..
If any of you that has this issue, try and solder the pins that are from the connector to the pcb. and see if that helps. And check the pin alignment too while you are at it.
Cause if it's just as a simple dry soldering joint, thats bloody cheap fix to do.
24th Apr 2018 10:33 am |
Member Since: 13 Sep 2017
Location: Wroclaw
Posts: 19
Yep, dry soldering joints on processor 64f2638f20 causing such a effect;)
24th Apr 2018 12:03 pm |
Member Since: 15 Sep 2019
Location: Wakefield
Posts: 2
Hello every one I have just joined due to reading everyone having problems with the Discovery 3 instrument cluster, I was presented with the problem and have read everyone's views, yesterday I decided to strip the bounder out and have a look for myself, went write inside the Censored and guess what! there is nowt to see apart from a load of leds, bits of processors and solder, had a rummage about checking for dry joints and hot spots, nothing to report on this one, BUT when I plugged it back in its fine how long for I will let you know, now when you unplug it the vehicle makes a real relieved noise like a breath of fresh air, I had it in bits so it was disconnected for at least an hour, so what I am saying is dont send it anywhere until you have plugged the Censored back in, will update if out goes wrong with it.
15th Sep 2019 4:58 am |
Hot Tub
Member Since: 15 Aug 2017
Location: Milton Keynes
Posts: 1071
I had this sent to Patryk@Totaltronics got a message to say it had arrived at about 20:00 then a couple hours later a picture of it on test working very good service and quick turn around think £230 not good driving when dash all goes blank Welsh Collie Chauffeur Service To Barney & Rooney.
15th Sep 2019 5:17 am |
Member Since: 10 Apr 2016
Location: North-east Wales
Posts: 601
Another for Patryk at TotalTronics. Sorted mine for me earlier this year, problem completely solved.
15th Sep 2019 4:08 pm |
Member Since: 08 Nov 2012
Location: Kent
Posts: 331
After 3 years, its come back! So last time it certainly was the cluster.
A few times recently when driving ive had all the usual messages and lights and had to pull over and cycle the ignition to clear it all and get the suspension back up to ride height.
Car would not start last night. Usual messages on dash, "E" in Gear, Engine temp gauge at full.
After waiting and going back to try, its fine again!
Wondering if its the same fault on this replacement cluster now, as its probably the same age as the one i removed last time.
But as always, a system scan just shows Lost Comms faults on all ECU's on the bus. So no help in diagnosing it.
But i wonder if this is a clue:
-The Car would not start at all and the red immobilizer/alarm light on the bottom left of the cluster was flashing.
Any idea?
Will update if i find the cause again. New Engine - Fitted with body on...
Developer of the FBH Smart Control Module - Keyfob 3rd button control + USB Diagnostics + remote status LED + priming + battery protection + water temp control setpoint (or fixed run time)
Group Buy: www.disco3.co.uk/forum/post1405044.html#1405044
Downloads: www.dropbox.com/sh/swqlepn6jdb7g5l/AAD5avF_KIexlhlQf4--kysZa?dl=0
FBH not Starting?: www.disco3.co.uk/forum/fixed-webasto-fbh-105563.html
E: d3discostick@gmail.com
15th Jun 2021 10:09 am |