Member Since: 27 Jun 2006
Location: Surrey / SW London
Posts: 46
Does anyone have both PTI and a Sony Walkman phone?
Before I buy the Sony W950i I want to know how it behaves if it is acting as a Walkman and feeding music through the Aux channel to the car stereo and then at the same time receives a call - will the call still be picked up through Bluetooth? I suspect that having what the phone will think are headphones connected means that the call will be directed to the cable rather than to bluetooth but I hope that I am wrong.
Thanks, Si
TDV6 S Auto 2006 Silver, Privacy Glass, Integrated Phone
9th Jan 2007 3:46 pm |
Member Since: 15 Oct 2006
Location: Surrey
Posts: 69
I have the Sony Ericsson 850i Walkman, and PTI and the phone works just fine. I have not checked out playing music concurrently. The bluetooth connects very promptly to the Disco 3, and incoming calls can be answered/blanked with the green/red buttons on the steering wheel respectively. Calls come straight through the audio system.
Only drawback is trying to use the phone near to but not IN the car when out of audio range of the speakers (eg doors shut), in which case it is best to deactivate bluetooth (single button push on the 850i).
Don't put it off, go for it!
9th Jan 2007 4:13 pm |