Member Since: 03 Mar 2019
Location: Tasmania
Posts: 184
2.7TDV6 new timing belt tensioner reset after initial rotati
Following on from the point raised by PROFSR G and Flack in regarding resetting the timing belt tensioner after the initial rotations, I noted the following in a recent replacement:
New timing belt and tensioner fitted, engine rotated twice and tensioner setting has changed to:
Looks like it's over tightened/tensioning?
Reset timing belt tensioner for notch in window, a further two engine rotations and it's remained in correct position:
An additional two rotations were then completed and there was no further movement of the timing belt tensioner setting.Mine - MY09 L319 D3 HSE Lion 2.7 TDV6 and modified MY03 LT L318 Discovery 2a HSE Td5 15P
Hers - MY12 L319 D4 Lion 2.7L TDV6
Dads - MY12 L319 D4 Lion 2.7L TDV6
Thats why the two rotations after setting it all up is important, not only to make sure the engine does not lock up, but the belt tension is correct.
24th May 2024 8:42 am
Member Since: 03 Mar 2019
Location: Tasmania
Posts: 184
Am I correct that the tension has actually increased following the first two rotations (as the window has gone anti clockwise past the notch)? When reseting it it looks like the tension was reduced.Mine - MY09 L319 D3 HSE Lion 2.7 TDV6 and modified MY03 LT L318 Discovery 2a HSE Td5 15P
Hers - MY12 L319 D4 Lion 2.7L TDV6
Dads - MY12 L319 D4 Lion 2.7L TDV6
@twr7cx Yes it does, the more anti-clockwise the tensioner moves away from the square raised bit on the backing of the the tensioner the tighter the belt is.
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