Steve Mc
Member Since: 30 May 2019
Location: Halifax
Posts: 5
Another small issue with my recent purchase... (2012 HSE LR4)
On certain rough surfaces like cobbles there is a clunking coming from the front drivers side wheel. I am assuming a bush is nearing the end of its life. I have also read about lower arms needing replacing every so often. Is this the likely suspect? And if so, does the whole arm need replacing or just a bush?
It will be taken to a garage soon, but thought it would be worthwhile asking and being up to speed before I have a talk with someone who might want to take my pennies...
Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
5th Jun 2019 9:28 pm |
Member Since: 19 Sep 2018
Location: Poole, Dorset
Posts: 716
If you tap the brakes and it knocks, the likelihood is it is the lower arm. If it knocks when you are sharp cornering side to side, it's probably your ARB bushes. If it knocks when cornering one way in particular, you may be looking at a drop link.
The best thing to do is to take it somewhere quiet and do a few tests to see when you can repeatedly get the knock.
You can buy the bushes separately for the arms, but most of the time, it's worth replacing the complete unit. Kev
MY2014 L405 RR Vogue SE 4.4 SDV8 in Corris Grey
MY2010 L320 RRS HSE 3.0 TDV6 in Stornoway Grey
5th Jun 2019 10:03 pm |
Steve Mc
Member Since: 30 May 2019
Location: Halifax
Posts: 5
It doesn't knock when braking or cornering or when going over speed bumps. The only time it knocks is going over ridged ground like cobbles. I guess from your comments there are a few potential culprits. I will see what the garage say.
6th Jun 2019 8:44 am |
Member Since: 11 May 2008
Location: UK
Posts: 6405
that knock is typical for loose lower steering colum attachment just under UJ or shut UJ on that colum
6th Jun 2019 8:50 am |
Member Since: 14 Dec 2013
Location: Herefordshire
Posts: 2083
Agree, mine had a rattle over uneven ground and was a loose steering column joint
6th Jun 2019 9:16 am |
Steve Mc
Member Since: 30 May 2019
Location: Halifax
Posts: 5
I've just given everything a good jiggle and can't find anything loose on the steering, but I did notice quite a bit of in and out movement on the driveshaft. Is that normal?
Thanks for the feedback.
6th Jun 2019 5:54 pm |
Member Since: 22 Dec 2009
Location: Maidstone
Posts: 7274
In/out on drive shaft is normal as they have a huge range of travel to contend with.
6th Jun 2019 7:25 pm |