Dave T
Member Since: 03 Jul 2009
Location: Glasgow
Posts: 6910
LRO Coast to Coast - our route |
This is the route we took, following pretty much the one featured in LRO May and June 2011, using mainly b roads and smaller to join the lanes. As it turned out we missed a fair bit of day 2 due to lack of time and a long drive home.
I used street view to accurately locate the start of each lane, before locating it in Navfree, just in case we lost our way. I also "drove" the route on street view to see what the signs actually said. There were a few tricky bits but on the whole it was quite straightforward. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
Route taken from LRO May and June 2011
U numbers and OS maps from Cumbria council website Grid Ref and Lane names shown where known
Coast to Coast March 2015 DAY 1
1. St Bees
At top of street turn LEFT onto B5345
Turn RIGHT up slip road (beside the manor house/coast to coast bar)
Turn RIGHT up the hill (Finkle Street) follows into High House Road onto A595.
Turn LEFT onto A595 then RIGHT signposted MOOR ROW
At T Junction turn RIGHT onto B5295
Beside Crown, turn LEFT onto B5294 signposted FRIZINGTON
At FRIZINGTON turn LEFT onto A5086, through ROWRAH then take RIGHT fork signposted LAMPLUGH GREEN, LOWESWATER and BUTTERMERE
Follow through LAMPLUGH to junction, follow road round to the right signposted LOWESWATER LAKE.
Lake will be on the right, after a short time there is a track to the left GREENLANE 1 (Grid Ref NY 127217) (almost a U turn) signposted MOSSER UNFIT FOR CARS (U2195 on OS89 North East)
At end of lane keep straight on towards COCKERMOUTH (goes right then left though small farm)
GREENLANE 2 (NY 114254) is a staggered junction on the right (the left part is just past the right turn) U2199
At T junction at end turn RIGHT follow road signposted to COCKERMOUTH.
Turn LEFT onto the B5289 signposted COCKERMOUTH, then follows LEFT (straight on) and turns into the B5292
you need to go into Cockermouth and get back to the A66 towards Carlisle
Just before BASSENTWAITE LAKE turn LEFT onto the B5291 signposted CASTLE INN, DUBWATH then forks right to CASTLE INN B5291
At CASTLE INN T junction, turn LEFT onto A591 signposted BOTHEL
AT BOTHEL cross straight over the A595, when road bears RIGHT keep straight on into SCHOOL LANE U2280 GREENLANE a (NY 179388)
At top of Lane turn right back to A595. Straight across signposted IREBY TORPENHOW
Turn RIGHT in village signposted WHITERIGG BASSENTHWAITE
At T Junction turn left signposted IREBY
Just after cottage on left, turn RIGHT, signpost unsuitable for motor vehicles.
At Y junction (beside unsuitable for motor vehicles) turn LEFT (almost u turn) Greenlane b. (NY 221382)
At road turn RIGHT signposted IREBY
At X roads in Ireby turn LEFT signposted MEALSGATE CALDBECK
In Boltongate turn RIGHT onto B5299 signposted CALDBECK then first left up hill (beside low stone wall)
GREENLANE c (U2132) (NY 232410 Carlislegate Lane) is on the left signposted PUBLIC WAY
At top of lane turn RIGHT
At X roads turn RIGHT signposted SANDALE IREBY
At T junction turn LEFT follow B5299 towards CALDBECK
In CALDBECK, turn RIGHT at large Triangle with house and parking in the middle of it.
At Y junction, take LEFT fork signposted 6’6†except for access GREENLANE d (NY 323388)
At X roads turn LEFT towards HESKET NEWMARKET
In HESKET NEWMARKET at Junction bear RIGHT then bear 2nd LEFT
After bridge keep following to LEFT signposted NEWLANDS
Keep straight on until T junction at B5305, Turn LEFT then RIGHT after pub signposted RAUGHTON HEAD
Follow round to the left at triangle island in road
At fork take RIGHT up the hill signposted CROWN INN
At T junction turn RIGHT signposted IVEGILL PENRITH
At T junction turn RIGHT still signposted IVEGILL PENRITH
At X roads turn LEFT signposted SOUTHWAITE
At T junction turn RIGHT signposted CAITHWAITE PENRITH
Turn LEFT signposted SOUTHWAITE, go under M6 follow signposts HIGH HESKET
At T junction turn RIGHT onto A6 signposted PENRITH then first LEFT (unsigned)
Keep on this road follw round to left past “unsuitable for long vehicles†road
At T junction turn RIGHT signposted ARMATHWAITE AINSTABLE
In Armathwaite turn RIGHT signposted AINSTABLE NUNNERY BRAMPTON
Keep following signs to AINSTABLE
On long straight beside a barn, turn RIGHT into GREENLANE e (NY 518459) U3051 OS86 South West
At end of lane turn LEFT head towards NUNNERY and KIRKOSWALD
Keep heading into KIRKOSWALD and straight through now signposted LAZONBY PENRITH
On entering GLASONBY bear LEFT at large green triangle towards GAMBLESBY ALSON
Keep following to GAMBLESBY. Pass right muddy fork and then at X roads turn RIGHT
At T junction turn LEFT, after a few hundred yards turn RIGHT between dry stone walls into U3091 OS91 NW GREENLANE f (NY 590385)(at end of rutted area follow round to the right to rejoin main road.)
At main road turn LEFT onto A686, continue through MELMERBY until series of bends, BOAT 323012 OS86 Greenlane 3 (NY 626392) South West is on the left right on sharp corner.
At end of lane turn right keep straight on to RENWICK ALSTON, over a cross roads past A686 to ALSTON warning sign.At sharp right turn, keep straight on /bear left past farm on right. GREENLANE 4 (NY 614402 Old Hartside Pass) U3665 OS91 NW
At end turn left onto A686 continue uphill to Hartside Café (highest café in England/Wales) (coffee stop?)
Continue on A686 then take small RIGHT fork (C2C cycle route) signposted LEADGATE
After few hundred yards, Small stony track on LEFT GREENLANE g U3102 (NY 700434)
Follow this track back to A686, cross straight over onto GREENLANE 5 (U3102 continued) (NY 699439 Bayles Moor Road)
At end of track turn LEFT and RIGHT onto A689
At T junction turn LEFT onto A686 (A689) follow for a short time and turn RIGHT onto A689 signposted SCOTCH CORNEER NEWTHEAD (and to car parks)
at last house on left, turn RIGHT into POTTERS LOANING GREENLANE h U3107 (NY 723463 Potters Lane)
At end turn LEFT, at T junction turn RIGHT onto A689
Just before small clump of trees turn LEFT onto GREENLANE j U3110 (NY 740474)
At end of lane turn LEFT over bridge and then RIGHT into GREENLANE U3111
At end of lane turn RIGHT, at T junction turn RIGHT, at junction turn LEFT up the hill, keep on this road until GREENLANE k (NY 781441) on LEFT going uphill (opposite farm buildings. Part of national cycle way)
At end of lane turn RIGHT, at T junction rejoin A689 turn LEFT signposted STANHOPE
Immediately before sign for COWSHILL, take RIGHT slip road through 30MPH signs
After short while turn RIGHT in BURTREE past school, keep going over the dam (will need to take right turn at houses)
Turn right now on GREENLANE 6 (NY 837374 Grasshill Causeway) highest road in England and Wales.
Turn LEFT onto B6277 In MIDDLETON follow on B6277 signposted SCOTCH CORNER BROUGH
Turn RIGHT into WEST PASTURE ROAD signposted GRASSHOLME RESERVIOR (brown sign obscured) immediately before a house on corner
First left is signed dead end
Take second LEFT (beside loan tree on left, grassy down middle)
Turn left just after farm, opposite barn, (DAY TWO GREENLANE b) (NY 953211 Botany Road)
At end carry straight over junction straight on and rejoin B6277 to BARNARD CASTLE
Keep straight on becomes A67. At traffic lights Turn LEFT over river A67, follow round to left up the high street.
(These could be done day 2, if so keep straight on A67)
At roundabout (building in middle) turn RIGHT signposted WHORLTON
Once through 40mph signs take small lane immediately after School GREENLANE d (NZ 073160 Mout Eff Lane)
At end of lane turn left then left again into Green lane GREENLANE c (NZ 055168 Green Lane)
At end turn right then right onto A67
At mini roundabout bear RIGHT staying on A67 (Darlington) beside BP. Just outside speed limit signs hotel sign is on the left DL12 8TA JERSEY FARM HOTEL
Day 2.
Turn RIGHT out of hotel back down A67 and across stone bridge, once over bridge turn LEFT onto B6277 signposted REETH RICHMOND SCOTCH CORNER
At A66 turn RIGHT then first LEFT signposted REETH SCARGILL
Keep on this lane, over small bridge,
At Y junction bear LEFT signposted BARNINGHAM SCARGILL keep straight on over a couple of bridges at edge of copse turn left into GREENROAD e (NZ 071101 Low Lane) wooden signpost.
(Scratchy if you go straight over road.) At road turn RIGHT, at T junction turn LEFT signposted NEWSHAM, straight through NEWSHAM then turn RIGHT (on left hand bend) signposted DALTON GAYLES, straight on, through GAYLES come to slightly staggered crossroads, turn RIGHT (MAY BE RED FLAGS AS IT IS A RANGE, IF SO DO NOT USE) GREENLANE f (NZ 128064) keep straight on to end
At end of lane turn RIGHT, keep going to T junction, turn RIGHT keep on this road (bears left in village) at triangle bear right (MARRICK HURST REETH) then take first right to SKELTON (dead end sign) immediately after cottage on left is left turn up wall lined lane. GREENLANE 1 (NZ 093012)
At end of lane go straight up the road to crossroads, turn LEFT into GREENLANE 2 (NZ 067039 Goats Lane)
At end of track turn left (straight on) through Washfold to group of houses and green gate on left GREENLANE 3 (NZ 045023)
At mainroad turn LEFT onto B6270, on a left hand bend, bear RIGHT signposted WATHGILL STAINTON LEYBURN
GREENLANE g (SE 099973 Stop Bridge Lane) is on LEFT through a gate (check what it says)
Turn LEFT onto A6108. In RICHMOND bear RIGHT onto B6271 to THE SOUTH A1
Follow this across the A1 keeping on B6271, past TARMAC on left, round sweeping bend to left and there is a crossroad of lanes, turn RIGHT into GREENLANE h (SE244990 Back Lane)
At end turn LEFT onto B6271, continue to T Junction turn RIGHT onto B1263 signposted COWTONS CROF ON TEES TEESIDE
AT T Junction turn RIGHT onto A167, signposted TEESIDE
Turn LEFT onto B1264 signposted YARM STOKESLEY TEESIDE
At staggered junction turn RIGHT signposted HORNBY
At T junction turn LEFT signposted APPLETON WISKS ROUNTONS STOKESLEY, stay on this road through APPLETON WISKE and EAST ROUNTON
Cross over the A19, turn LEFT signposted THIRSK A19 then turn LEFT signposted POTTO HUTTON RUDBY SWAINBY STOKESLEY follow road into HUTTON RUDBY
Pass by School, bowling club on right and “local traffic only†signed to right then turn RIGHT signposted SEXHOW STATION CARLTON, follow to A172, turn LEFT signposted STOKESLY
At the end of a row of trees and thorn tree farm entrance is on the left access is on the right to GREENLANE J (NZ 510063)
At end of lane turn LEFT into BUSBY LANE, keep on this lane through KIRKBY (turns into KIRKBY LANE) into GREAT BROUGHTON, straight across mini roundabout, becomes INGLEBY ROAD signposted to INGLEBY KILDALE, (turns into GREEN BALK for a while)
After a few trees, turn RIGHT signposted CHOP GATE into LAMBS LANE, first on the LEFT signposted unsuitable for motor vehicles GREENLANE k (NZ 578060 Church Lane)
At end turn RIGHT onto STONE STOUP HILL keep on this road through BATTERSBY. At Give Way turn RIGHT signposted KILDALE COMMONDALE CASTLETON, carry on through KLDALE.
Just after football pitches on right, turn LEFT signposted NEW ROW to GREENLANE l (NZ 617107)
At end of lane turn RIGHT, to crossroads, turn RIGHT signposted COMMONDALE CASTLETON, through COMMONDALE to T junction and turn RIGHT signposted CASTLETON DANBY, through CASTLETON, to DANBY to staggered junction, turn RIGHT then immediately LEFT signposted LEALHOLM, under rail bridge, shortly after turn RIGHT signposted FRYUP.
At T junction turn LEFT signposted LEALHOLM, then opposite a farm turn RIGHT into GREAT FRYUP DALE. At T junction turn LEFT up the hill over the cattlegrid and GREENLANE m (NZ 739045) is to the LEFT, on lane turn right before house then bear left, at end, turn RIGHT onto road.
Greenlane 4 (NZ 742046) is on the LEFT at crossroads, along the lane there will be a fork to the right, take this to the main road.
On reaching main road, keep to the left, past Glaisdale school on left (on hill). On reaching 30mph signs bear RIGHT to T junction and turn RIGHT past national speed limit signs. Keep on past Glaisdale startion on left and a few yards after Nat Speed limit signs, before railway bridge turn hard RIGHT onto GREENANE 5 through FORD.
At the end of the lane turn LEFT, keep going to junction, turn RIGHT signposted GOATHLAND, take next on LEFT just before houses, signposted GOATHLAND. After single house, turn LEFT signposted ESK VALLEY. On a U turn, keep straight on past FORD signs, FORD 1 (NZ823054), cross ford and turn RIGHT, over level crossing and track on right signposted unsuitable for motors to FORD 2 (NZ829051).
Keep on to T junction at end and turn LEFT, at end turn LEFT (good view point) continue to T junction at A169, turn LEFT signposted Whitby, continue to RIGHT turn signposted LITTLEBECK unsuitable for caravans. Continue through LITTLEBECK and start climbing, beside a small carpark take fork right LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY THIS IS A STEEP HILL
AT top turn LEFT then RIGHT (almost looks straight on) onto B1416 signposted SCARBOROUGH
At T junction turn LEFT onto A171 signposted WHITBY. Shortly turn RIGHT signposted FYLINGTHORPE ROBIN HOODS BAY
Keep straight on into village, straight through to T junction and turn RIGHT and down past small roundabout (access only check signs)
Set course for HOME Joined the BMWX5 45e group
1994 Defender 90
2015 RRS Corris Grey/Black roof
2016 D4 Graphite Santorini Black
2012 D4 XS Orkney Grey
2005 D3 S Maya Gold
Convoy for Heroes 2011
13th Mar 2015 4:58 pm |