Member Since: 04 Nov 2008
Location: bolzano
Posts: 105
ad oggi ancora no...il colore non è un problema però, la puoi smontare e colorare della tinta che preferisci... ho visto un'elaborazione in rosa dolls... quello che puoi dipingere è la scocca, tutti i pulsanti, compresi i led, vengono via svitando poche viti.
26th Jan 2009 7:48 am |
Member Since: 04 Nov 2008
Location: bolzano
Posts: 105
1....2.....3...accensione! |
La centralina comanda egregiamente il parabrezza a sbrinamento elettrico e le imbottiture dei sedili riscaldati che però devono, contrariamente a quanto anc'io speravo, essere acquistate. Riassumendo: per poter fare l'up-grade sono necessari sia la centralina che le due imbottiture...
Mi hanno già detto che smontare i rivestimenti sarà un bel divertimento.
Ho trovato un link a riguardo
Proverò ad inserirlo.
Last edited by 1972emanuele1972 on 26th Jan 2009 5:12 pm. Edited 1 time in total
26th Jan 2009 4:58 pm |
Member Since: 04 Nov 2008
Location: bolzano
Posts: 105
messaggio come da originale |
Ecco quello che ho trovato:Installing Heated Seats - Heating element already there?
Hi, I have a 2007 LR3 without the cold climate pckg. It's getting cold now (17* today) and I sure wish I had heated seats. I've been looking at aftermarket kits and they are very reasonable. But, somewhere, I came across a bit of info regarding Land Rovers with leather seats. Apparently, they already have the heating elements in the seats, so all you really need is to have switches wired to them.
I wanted to know if that is true? I could not find any topics in the forum covering it.
I can't look at the moment because I'm laid up in bed after knee surgery this week. So, thought I do some checking online.
Has anyone installed heated seats?
I'd be surprised if the seats have the heating elements in them seeming as they are fairly expensive - but then we learn something new every day.
I retro fitted them to my Disco3 - If you look under your seat, there's a connector box with loads of wires coming into the back, on the front is a small nut, if you undo the nut you can pull the connector block apart. You'll then be able to see a load of connector sockets in the holder. If you have heated seat elements you should find a connector that looks like the large one in theses pictures:
The small one in the top picture connects the seat-cushion element to the seat-back element and is clipped into a hole on the underside of the seat.
Depending on the spec of your vehicle, you should have the loom in place and will just need to change the heater control unit to one that has the switches for the seats and then find the extra connector to connect to it - the fuses etc are probably also in place - they were on my vehicle.
I did have a small problem in getting the seats to work, but it came down to the driver seat having a floating earth connection - the diagnostics said "heat sensor missing - open circuit". 10forcash found the problem, the thermister on the driverseat wasn't earthed and when 10forcash fitted a new earth wire it all came together.
As long as the wires and pads are there, all you should need is the Heater Control unit which has the switches built in - these are quiet expensive new, but shoup around on ebay or chat to Nick (TLO) he has a contact for something from a Breakers near Glastonbury - I recently got some bits from him of a HSE, very resonable and as it's a HSE chances are he'll still have the controller. If I can dig out the contact details I'll add another post, if not ask TLO. Member of the Club of Life....
Sat Jul 05 2008 3:41am
The climate control switch panel fitted at the moment (without heated seat buttons) has 3 connectors plugged into it. Is that the same for the switch panels that include the seat heat switches? I opened the connector under the seat and can see that the vehicle loom has the seat heater wires, but there are no pads in the seat at the moment. How much of a job was it to fit the heater pads, and what sort of price are they?
There is a separate connector at the back of the control unit for the heated seats, you'll probably find it's tied back on the loom of the other connectors. The pads from memory were around £70/seat but talk to Nick (TLO) and I fitted them to basic cloth seats in about 60-75 minutes per seat. That include removing the seat from the vehicle and taking it apart i.e. first the seat, then the back. You need to remove the covering material and the Hog-clips are a real pain to get back on so be warned - I used a 90degree bent pointynose pliers and a straight pointynose to get them back on.
Thanks for the reply. I can't find an extra connector anywhere in that area, but there are definitely wires in loom under the seat for the heaters. Odd. So on a heater control with seat heat switches, there will be 1 more white socket than I've got on my current unit? Pic of my switch unit here, with 3 sockets:
Note the extra one on the right. The Male-Connector may be taped over so it's completely hidden further back along the wire (The vehicle I used as a reference I had to trace back about 6-8" from the other connectors which took it behind the frame that the control unit sits in. What model spec is it you have: basic, SE, HSE or what? The thing is, if you have a basic low-end wiring loom you would have the heated seat wires and you'd have a much bigger, more expensive job on your hands. A loom was about £140, but as you have to take all the dash and sub-frame out to replace the loom, I trimmed the required wires out of the new hi-end loom and then spliced them into the vehicles loom - several hours work, and not for the faint hearted. Member of the Club of Life....
Just a note but it is connected with the original question.
If anyone has had the problem with their seatbases sagging and had it rectified under the relevant TSB.ISTR that part of the TSB metioned that the cause of the sagging seats was that LR left out a few clips holding the upholstery rigid or stretched so as to allow fitting of the heating pad or element.So if anyone has had this carried out under warranty then they will have to be removed UNLESS of course what was used to replace is heater element friendly.
26th Jan 2009 5:12 pm |
Member Since: 04 Nov 2008
Location: bolzano
Posts: 105
Montate anche le imbottiture riscaldate....
Una volta interlacciate, non bisogna far altro che premere il pulsante sull'hevac.
Non necessitano di configurazione/upgrade software.....
Peccato che mi siano arrivate dopo tre mesi di attesa
7th Apr 2009 4:25 pm |
Member Since: 20 Jun 2008
Location: Italy
Posts: 327
Puoi riepilogare il tutto ?
Hai comprato la centralina riscaldamento, collegato lo sbrinatore vetro anteriore e funzionava, poi hai preso le imbottiture riscaldate, (dove ed a quanto) le hai fatte montare (costo?) e collegate funzionano senza problemi.
7th Apr 2009 4:43 pm |
Member Since: 04 Nov 2008
Location: bolzano
Posts: 105
le imbottiture le ho prese dal conce... circa 300 euro.... ma ne avevo trovate usate in inghilterra per 50 sterline.... sfoderato i sedili, montate, collegate e nullaltro.
fermo restando la necessità di avere l'hevac con i pulsanti per comandarli (come anche per il parabrezza)
7th Apr 2009 5:34 pm |
Member Since: 04 Nov 2008
Location: bolzano
Posts: 105
le serpentine le ho montate io come tutti gli altri accessori!!!!
nessun attrezzo particolare.... solo tanta pazienza
7th Apr 2009 5:35 pm |