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Nylon tow rope / traction assistance rescue kit
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Member Since: 02 May 2023
Location: Trowbridge
Posts: 144

United Kingdom 2008 Discovery 3 TDV6 HSE Auto Stornoway GreyDiscovery 3
Nylon tow rope / traction assistance rescue kit

Researching tow ropes to keep in the car, just for pulling cars of friends and family who might end up stuck due to lack of traction in snow or mud. If the vehicle itself is in anyway bogged down I won't be going near it. As such I think the towing eye should be sufficient as the connection to their car.

I'm now trying to work out if a polyester (no stretch) or a nylon rope (some stretch) is best for this task. I've read that 'snatch straps' (nylon but flat strap) shouldn't be used for a normal tow but I've found these 3 strand nylon tow ropes that according to description can be used for a normal tow, but the additional stretch should reduce the shock loading when taking up slack.

They were apparently used on Top Gear and TGT so presumably passed health and safety assessments! Has anyone used them?

I've asked questions on recovery forums and there seems to be a consensus that when using a towing eye there should be a safety breakaway strap attached to prevent rope/shackle flying if the towing eye pops out. i.e this wraps around suspension arm and connects to the shackle. It's slack unless something goes pop.

I'm also thinking soft shackles would be easier to work with and safer again.

Essentially thinking of a 4.5m rope (legal road limit) from the link above and these to connect to towing eye and Disco recovery point:

Then one of these as the breakaway strap:

So the only metal projectile would be the towing eye which would be prevented from flying due to the breakaway strap. The nylon rope would prevent sudden shock loading on the towing eye or car to reduces chances of anything breaking. And the soft shackles remove another potential metal projectile and make everything easier to connect up.

Appreciate any thoughts on this setup - I think it has gone nicely into 'overkill' territory for the kind of situation I'd be getting involved in which is where I want to be with it!
Post #235326616th Nov 2023 8:52 am
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