Member Since: 07 Jan 2020
Location: Green Bay, WI
Posts: 37
D3 "in park" behavior question.... |
This may seem like a silly question, but with an automatic are both driveshafts locked to park? I ask because my drive has a very slight incline and I tried to jack up a front arm to check a wheel for play and with all other wheels on the ground, it rolled back off the jack. Repeated but after a foot or so of travel I stopped since I knew at that point it could not just be driveline slack. Now I think I have done this before without it rolling but I do normally block the wheels when doing anything. But this time I just wanted to check something quick.
The other reason I am asking is because my transfer case produces a pretty loud clank a few seconds after turning off the Rover. Every time without fail. Thats in another thread/forum. But fluid is good, it calibrates and functions (high/low) just fine. No codes. Even works off-road. So still trying to figure I out although I have a spare transfer box to install.
So I am just wondering because I would *think* in park that both shafts would not be able to rotate. And yes, I know the front diff is open and yes when lifting and rolling back the wheel I was lifting did spin opposite the other front until it came back down. But I am wondering if there is a bigger issue in the transfer box that also presents itself as that loud clank.
4th May 2024 8:07 pm |
Member Since: 12 Apr 2015
Location: sunny essex
Posts: 815
think i get about 1/3-1/2 front wheel turn when i jack up a front wheel nothing when i jack the rear if the handbrake is on (tiny bit of shoe movement thats normal) same as front if the handbrake is off please excuse any grammer/punctuation mistakes,i'm thick,thankyou
current vehicles 2005 d3 2013 d4
5th May 2024 8:09 am |