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Member Since: 27 Nov 2012
Location: Southampton
Posts: 2652

COVID-19. Update to our operations |
COVID-19. Update to our operations
We will keep our depot open as long as it safe to do so. We are making some changes to keep safe and continue to serve whilst it is correct to do so.
Due to the unfolding situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19), We are going to close our retail and trade collections counter effective Monday 23 March. Sorry, collections are no longer possible.
Our telesales team will provide the best support that they can although it may be a little different as some will be working remotely to assist with distancing in our office. This also means reducing our telephone lines to assist with call diversions, it may take longer to have your call answered or you may experience an engaged tone, please keep trying though.
Our warehouse is also closed to visitors but will be packing and dispatching for both courier and local trade deliveries, these operations will continue whilst required and safe to do so, with a new regard for social distancing.
Online sales continue and our courier partners report that deliveries are currently normal for most countries unless there are severe local restrictions in place.
Take care of yourselves, your loved ones and your community, and we look forward to happier times soon. Paul Redding
+44 (0)23 8052 2774
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22nd Mar 2020 7:42 pm |